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Standard Certificate @ $5.99
Wildcard Certificate @ $26.00

Wildcard SSL certificate vs Standard SSL certificate – Differences Explained

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security is an important factor for any website. In 2018, Google made SSL security compulsory for all websites, to decrease the cyber-crime rate and for user benefits. SSL certificate encrypts all the data transmitted between browsers and servers keeping sensitive information safe. Malicious users find it difficult to decrypt, this encrypted information and usually abandon sites having an SSL certificate.

Since then, the majority of the users prefer and opt for websites having HTTPS (Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secure) instead of HTTP (Hyper Text Transport Protocol) to make transactions. SSL security is symbolized by an additional “S” in the address bar and a padlock in the URL. This is a visual proof which shows the visitors that their visited site is secure.

There are various types and brands of SSL certificates available in the market. They are available in different validations like Domain Validation, Organization Validation and Extended Validation. Different companies have different security requirements, and hence it’s essential to select the appropriate SSL certificate; which best suits their business requirements.

In this article, we will have a look at similarities and differences between the Wildcard SSL certificate and Standard SSL certificate.

What is a Regular SSL or Standard SSL certificate?

Regular SSL certificate or Standard SSL certificate is Domain Validated SSL certificate. It is also called Single Domain SSL certificate because it secures only one primary domain or one sub-domain of your website at one time. This certificate issued by the Certificate Authority (CA), is an entry level certificate and it provides the lowest level of validation.

They are the best for individuals or small businesses having a single website without any additional sub-domains.

For e.g. Regular SSL certificate only covers website https://www.example.com.

What is a Wildcard SSL certificate?

Wildcard certificate secures your primary domain and its unlimited first level sub-domains with one single certificate. In short, SSL encryption is extended to sub-domains by using wildcard SSL. An “*” is placed before the domain name thus securing all additional sub-domains.

It’s an all in one certificate, which is cost-effective and time saver, meant for medium or large businesses.

For e.g. If your website is *.example.com, Wildcard SSL certificate covers sub-domains like blog.example.com, account.example.com, store.example.com etc.

Cheap Wildcard SSL


Similarities between Wildcard Certificate and Standard SSL certificate

Before going for comparisons and differences between wildcard certificates and regular certificates, let’s have an insight into some of the similarities between both these security certificates.

  • Online issuance in a few minutes
  • Budget-friendly prices
  • 99% browser and mobile compatibility
  • 24/7 customer support
  • SHA2 Enabled, 256-bit CSR encryption and 2048 bit RSA encryption
  • Unlimited server licences and free of cost reissues
  • Warranty
  • Free Site Seal
  • Money-back guarantee

Both these certificates provide strong encryption security and are compatible with all browsers.

AlphaSSL Wildcard Certificate

Comodo PositiveSSL Certificate

Price (per year)
Vendor Price
Product SKU S2BALPWC102 S2BCMD301
Certificate Authority GlobalSign Comodo
Category Wildcard SSL Certificate Single Domain SSL
Validation Method Domain Control Validation Domain Control Validation
Domains Secured Root Domain and All Sub-Domains FQDN (www+non-www)
Additional Domain Support No No
Delivery Time 10 Minutes 10 Minutes
Supported Key Type(s) RSA, ECC RSA, ECC
Supported Key Length(s) 2048 bit 2048 bit
Hash Algorithm SHA-2 SHA-2
Server Licenses Unlimited Unlimited
Certificate Reissuance Unlimited and Free of Cost Unlimited and Free of Cost
Device Compatibility 100% 100%
Trust Site Seal AlphaSSL Site Seal Comodo Positive SSL Site Seal
CA Warranty $10,000 USD $10,000 USD
Vendor Refund Policy 30 Days 30 Days
Technical Support Free Live Chat and Ticket Support Free Live Chat and Ticket Support
Installation Service Purchase on Demand Purchase on Demand


Differences between Wildcard Certificate and Standard SSL certificate

Wildcard SSL Certificate Standard SSL Certificate
This certificate secures your domain and multiple sub-domains. Even future addition of sub-domains can be secured. This certificate secures only one domain or one sub-domain. It will not secure any additional sub-domains.
Example: *.example.com, site.example.com, blog.example.com etc. Example: www.example.com
It is best for medium and large enterprises. It is best for individuals and small enterprises having a single site.
CSR generation can be done by entering “*” accompanied with the domain name. This will allow you to add multiple additional sub-domains in future.

Example: If your domain is example.com, then while generating CSR, in the domain field you need to enter: *.example.com

CSR generation can be done by entering the domain name. Use of “*” is not needed as no other sub-domains can be added.

If your domain is example.com, then while generating CSR, in the domain field you need to enter: www.example.com or example.com

It is not available in Extended Validation (EV) type as CA/Browser forum has excluded wildcard and EV format separately. EV certificate requirements don’t blend well with Wildcard SSL requirements because, in Wildcard, sub domains are automatically secured and verified under the main domain. It is due to this security reason that EV certificates don’t go with Wildcard SSL as their assurance level is very high. It is available in all the validations like Domain Validation, Organization Validation, and Extended Validation.


It is necessary to keep private key safe as it is spread across multiple servers and if a private key is compromised, then all subdomains’ security will have a bad time.

Hence EV SSL is not available with Wildcard, but you can always opt for EV Multi-domain SSL certificate for securing multiple domains too.

In a nutshell, Wildcard SSL has more of advantages than disadvantages. Go for it, because this budget-friendly certificate with its easy and quick issuance secures your whole business.

About the Author
Ann-Anica Christian

Ann-Anica Christian

Ann-Anica Christian is a seasoned Content Creator with 7+ years of expertise in SaaS, Digital eCommerce, and Cybersecurity. With a Master's in Electronics Science, she has a knack for breaking down complex security concepts into clear, user-friendly insights. Her expertise spans website security, SSL/TLS, Encryption, and IT infrastructure. Her work featured on SSL2Buy’s Wiki and Cybersecurity sections, helps readers navigate the ever-evolving world of online security.

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