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Standard Certificate @ $5.99
Wildcard Certificate @ $26.00

Why You Should Enable HTTPS on Your Website?

HTTPS enable website will help you to stay safe on the web, make secure web presence and improve search engine rankings.

Around the globe, information intelligence is a challenging issue for both online merchants and buyers. Web security is playing an important role, organizations and web users are demanding protection over the Internet.

Google chrome, Mozilla, and other major browsers added HTTPS as security features, so it is essential to have SSL certificate for your progressive web applications. HTTPS is fundamental for ensuring safe administration, critical security and information trustworthiness for both your sites and your clients’ private data.

As per the demanding technology, individuals could have some question regarding its utilization as below.

  • Why is HTTPS making such a huge hype in the internet world?
  • What is HTTPS?
  • What happens when you install HTTPS?
  • Is it really that dire need for online businesses?
  • Why an extra “s” is added to HTTP?

Well, the answers are a bit explanatory but quite logical. You would love to know how important HTTPS is for your website today. Let’s take a journey step by step –

What is HTTPS and what does it do basically?  

So, do you see a green padlock on the address bar of your website? Don’t be amazed, we know you are not used to seeing it, but now for enhanced security and strong encryption of information, Google has launched the HTTPS version of security to handle all the sensitive information on your website. This green padlock on the left of your web page URL is for the secure version of your website, depicting that now all the confidential and crucial information, like – credit card details and PIN numbers are safe and secure from hacking and other cyber threats.

HTTPS stands for – Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, here the extra “s” clearly indicates the security and safety features for your website. While on the other hand, the “s” turns out to be for SSL as well – Secure Sockets Layer, this is a digital certificate that helps in offering strong encryption and a secure connection to your website.

what is https?

Overall the entire technology of HTTPS is pretty intriguing for experts and for users too. This article will take you further to a road where you will learn about why enabling HTTPS is essential for your website.

To start with there are many reasons for enabling HTTPS to your website, here we would take you to explain few benefits,

#1 HTTPS gives a reliable status for your users

More than half of the world is on the internet today and demanding the browsing and surfing should be very safe for users, as it counts their personal information and accountability. Considering this, it is imperative to have a look at the previous year’s statistics, where approximately 30% of hacking and eavesdropping incidents took place online. Thus, to break these threats “HTTPS” was announced as a mark of security and high-quality website. It is executed by SSL certificates installed on your website that protects online communications.

#2 HTTPS aids in protecting the integrity of your website

HTTPS is wonderful in protecting your website from intruders and faulty communications between your user’s browsers and your website server. Encryption will help to secure in-house correspondence, client information and users private data and ensure the data couldn’t interrupt by cyber criminals. It will present your online business as a secure and legitimate.

To explain you with an example – there are few third party hacking institutions that can inject some malicious or harmful advertisements, potentially by breaking the security breach of the users and your website, in the form of cookies, images, scripts and etc. These intrusions can occur from any Wi-Fi or hotspot or any internet connection. Is it dangerous? So, here HTTPS protects you from the intrusions by increasing the integrity of your website.

#3 HTTPS is brilliant for SEO and search rankings

https ranking signal

Google has now officially announced that the SSL/HTTPS enabled websites will definitely get more preference over the non-HTTPS versions. For instance – you and your one online competitor have similar websites or mostly same in maximum parameters, then, the website with HTTPS will be preferred by Google while rendering SEO and analyzing analytics; this eventually will yield superb Google rankings for your website. So you know, with this your business will get a boost! Hurray!

#4 Chrome starts tagging HTTP as “Not Secure”

google chrome http not secure

The prime reason of getting HTTPS enabled is to fix the perceptible secured encryption to all the internal and external information. In the past, there has been a lot of criticism in giving credit card information online, due to numerous false and phishing activities took place on a lot of websites. Now Google has started encouraging shoppers to use HTTPS so that applied security alerts in Chrome 56 to warn users HTTP as a “Not Secure”. Eventually, to run a tenable and attentive secured website on the search engine, HTTPS marking is imperative.

On another hand, Google is also pushing other store owners to establish secure connection called HTTPS. Google is in the mood to call out companies that are still ignoring protection of their customers’ sensitive information as HTTPS is able to reduce the chances of man-in-the-middle attacks, or surveillance techniques.

#5 HTTPS is essential for Google accelerated mobile pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) technology helps to make page load instantaneously on your mobile phones. 2017 will see Google indexing the mobile pages because a majority of the web traffic today is driving from mobiles now. Therefore, Google is likely to fetch the search results in accordance to the mobile pages of the websites, as for Google, the load speed of a website is a decisive factor for ranking a web page. To conclude, we can say that AMP enabled websites are expected to rank far better than the non-AMP websites.

In order to faster page loading experience, AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) has to need of HTTPS. You cannot get benefits from AMP future without HTTPS, so it is enforced to have SSL certificate to encrypt your mobile website traffic.

#6 HTTPS to get accurate referrer data from Google Analytics

https to http direct traffic in analytics

HTTPS cryptography protocol is developed to set up secure environment over the web. When unencrypted web pages traffic come from SSL encrypted site, analytics will render it as a direct traffic instead of the referrer. As a result, you will lose all referrer data just because of traffic passes from secure HTTPS site to non-secure HTTP site. To avoid this situation and get accurate data in analytics, the website should have an SSL certificate.

All in all, to be safe and to stay strong on the web, with result generating SEO, HTTPS is highly recommend and advised. Although it is slightly pricey but it is worth the investment! As for the virtual world, there is nothing as important as the safety and security of your data and information. This job is done by HTTPS perfectly!

About the Author
Nikita Gupta

Nikita Gupta

Nikita Gupta is a seasoned professional with a master's degree in Computer Applications. She brings over 10 years of profound experience to the realm of technology. Her exceptional expertise spans software security, data security, and mastery in SSL/TLS. When it comes to cutting-edge solutions for securing digital assets, Nikita is a dedicated pro.

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SSL2BUY delivers highly trusted security products from globally reputed top 5 Certificate Authorities. The digital certificates available in our store are trusted by millions – eCommerce, Enterprise, Government, Inc. 500, and more.
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