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What is Asymmetric Encryption and How Does it Work?

Imagine sending an email containing confidential details, only to have it intercepted and exposed. The consequences could be disastrous. This is where asymmetric encryption comes to rescue, ensuring data remains private and secure.

Asymmetric encryption is a dual-key system which ensures that even if the public key is widely distributed, only the holder of the corresponding private key can access the encrypted information. It protects everything from your personal messages to critical financial transactions. Without it, the digital world would be a far more dangerous place.

Let’s dive deeper into how this powerful encryption method works, its key algorithms, and the invaluable role it plays in securing our digital lives.

What is Asymmetric Encryption?

Asymmetric Encryption

Asymmetric encryption is a type of encryption using different keys to encrypt and decrypt the information. Asymmetric Encryption is also known as public key cryptography. It uses two keys –

Public Key – for Encryption

Private Key – for Decryption

Asymmetric encryption helps safeguard the information and data from unauthorized access. It reassures the authenticity of the data or information.

How is Asymmetric Encryption Different from Symmetric Encryption?

Encryption plays a major role in protecting data during transmission. Two common methods – Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption – differ primarily in how they handle encryption keys

Symmetric Encryption – With symmetric-key encryption, a key is used to encrypt the message, and the same key is used to decrypt it. This method makes the communication easier to use but less secure. Here the problem is securely transferring/passing the key from sender to receiver.

Now since you know the basic concept of symmetric, let’s jump on to the differences.

Let’s start with the name – Both encryption methods owe their nomenclature to the keys they use.

Symmetric – As it uses similar keys for encryption and decryption

Asymmetric – It uses different keys for encryption and decryption.

The use of two different keys at both ends slows the process in asymmetric, whereas symmetric using one key is faster. However, keeping speed aside, asymmetric is more secure than symmetric.

Read on to know more: Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Encryption – What are differences?

How Does Asymmetric Encryption Work?

How Asymmetric Encryption Works

Cryptography – the basis for encryption. Cryptography in simple terms is converting a simple text into a ciphered text which appears gibberish. It all happens with a set of mathematical operations.

Example – ABCD + Key — @#$%

This is a simple example of cryptography. In public key cryptography, two separate keys are used for encryption and decryption.

Note: When we say keys, encryption, or decryption that means a set of mathematical operations is performed.

The public key is made publicly available; the private key is a different key kept secret by the public key owner. Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a communication, but it can only be unlocked by the owner of the private key.

Anyone can send a secure message to the owner of the public key without worrying about the communication being intercepted and read by a third party.

Understand it like this – You have a lock and two keys for the room. To lock the room the key is public, anyone can have the key to lock the room. But to open the lock, a private key is given only to the person who is authorized to open the room.

Making it more secure, however, if your mother wants a document from your room, then she’ll call you, and you will share with her the location of the private key. Then she will find the key and open the lock. This whole process took time and made it slower.

When we say asymmetric encryption is slow it means, the process takes time and makes it slow.

A simple asymmetric encryption example is –

This communication is between A & B.

  • A uses B’s public key to encrypt the message. This means the plain message will be run through a set of mathematical operations to encrypt it.
  • Then A sends the message to B.
  • B uses the private key to decrypt the message. Here B, again passes the message through some mathematical operations. This time the operations are set to decrypt the message. The result will be a plain text message.

To apply encryption different algorithms are used. These commonly used asymmetric encryption algorithms are explained in the next section.

Commonly Used Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms

Asymmetric encryption algorithms are essential in modern cryptography for providing secure communication. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most commonly used algorithms in this category.


Rivest-Shamir-Adelman Algorithm is the most widely used asymmetric algorithm. The classic example of encryption. It is based on prime number factorization. Large RSA keys are possible, the most common sizes are 2,048 or 4,096 bits. As a result, they are seen as slow and costly. One very important thing is the security level increases with the increase in the key size however the performance decreases. So, the bigger the key size greater the security, but the lesser the performance. It is great for secure emails, VPNs, and encryptions.


Elliptic Curve Cryptography is the modern alternative to RSA. Instead of using real numbers as in other algorithms, this asymmetric encryption algorithm uses points on an elliptic curve. Its prime feature is that it provides higher security with shorter keys. It is efficient and scalable as compared to RSA in terms of key size. A “256-bit elliptic curve public key should provide comparable security to a 3,072-bit RSA public key,” for example. To increase the security bit sizes can be increased, like a 384 or 521 bits key can be used. It works well for mobile and embedded systems.


The Digital Signature Algorithm is used for generating digital signatures. It is the most widely used form of authentication for digital documents, used to verify whether the document’s integrity is intact or not.


It is primarily used for key exchanges. The typical key size ranges between 1024 to 4096 bits. Modern security usage may suffice up to 2048 bits. The main purpose of Diffie-Hellman is to safely exchange encryption keys for protocols such as SSL/TLS. It enables secure key sharing over public channels. It is used as the basis for many secure communication protocols.

What are the Key Points of Asymmetric Encryption?

Asymmetric encryption relies on cryptographic keys to assure secure communication and data protection. It provides robust security features like confidentiality, authentication, and secure key exchange, making it a foundation of modern cryptography.

Two-key Security

Data secrecy is ensured by encryption using a public key, which only permits the corresponding private key to decrypt the message. The use of two different keys makes asymmetric encryption much more secure.

Secure Key Exchange

Even over unprotected channels, you can make secure key exchanges owing to asymmetric encryption.


A method of identity verification, a message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted by the owner of the private key. It validates the information and only gives access to the authorized user.

One-way Functions

Functions that are nearly complex to reverse but simple to compute in one direction.

Trapdoor Feature

One-way operations that require particular private information to reverse.

Detailed Benefits of Asymmetric Encryption

The following are some advantages of asymmetric encryption:

Key distribution is resolved

Which is a problem with symmetric encryption but not a problem with asymmetric encryption. An asymmetric encryption algorithm reduces the complexity of key exchange by allowing the public key to be openly shared for encryption, while the private key, used for decryption, is kept secret.

Increased Security

As there are different keys for encryption and decryption, the security is enhanced.   Since there is a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption, use of two keys increases the security significantly. Since there is no chance of a single shared key being compromised or made public during transmission, asymmetric encryption provides higher security levels.

Digital signatures

Act as an added security layer to authenticate the users. A digital signature is produced by using the sender’s private key to sign a message hash. By utilizing the sender’s public key to verify the signature, the recipient can confirm its legitimacy. This procedure not only verifies the sender’s identity but also makes sure the message hasn’t been altered.

Better Scalability with Asymmetric Encryption

Particularly in huge networks or user-heavy situations, asymmetric encryption is more scalable than symmetric encryption. Asymmetric encryption makes it easier to securely regulate user access and streamlines key management in large-scale settings like cloud services or huge companies. Without having to save or share many separate encryption keys, any participant can safely exchange data with others using their public keys.

Useful in public networks as asymmetric encryption algorithms like RSA, DSA.

Use Cases of Asymmetric Encryption Algorithm

We use asymmetric encryption in our day-to-day lives without even realizing it. Some most common use cases are as follows:

Email and Web Browsing

Emails are encrypted to make them secure, with asymmetric encryption at play. In web browsing, SSL/TLS certificates use asymmetric encryption to authenticate users and establish secure connections between clients and web servers.

Secure Communication

Digital certificates, like SSL certificates, are managed, issued, and stored using asymmetric encryption to guarantee that only authorized users may access them. To maintain the integrity and confidentiality of encryption keys, secure key distribution is essential.


Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies implement asymmetric encryption to authenticate the users. It is also used in securing the transactions.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures encrypt the hash of a file using a private key and asymmetric encryption. The data in a document is represented by a hash, which is a string of characters. The file’s hash changes if someone modifies it, warning users of the tampering.

SSL/TLS connection

Asymmetric encryption allows clients to connect securely to a web server to encrypt data that is being transmitted. It is an advantage, particularly in cases where users employ not-so-secure means to access the internet like public Wi-Fi, public cafes, etc.

Hybrid Cryptographic Systems

SSL/TLS protocols, VPNs, and secure file-sharing platforms—where security and performance are crucial all make extensive use of hybrid systems. Hybrid systems where symmetric and asymmetric algorithms are used in combination. For many contemporary applications, hybrid systems offer a workable and secure solution by employing quicker symmetric encryption for data transfer and asymmetric encryption for key exchange security.

Closing Thoughts

Asymmetric encryption remains essential to digital security, allowing for secure communication and transactions over the internet. While it confronts challenges from evolving technology, particularly quantum computing, continual advances in the field maintain its continued significance.

Understanding and implementing asymmetric encryption is critical for anyone working in cybersecurity or digital communications. As we move forward, asymmetric encryption will evolve to meet new threats and requirements while remaining critical to defending our digital world.

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About the Author
Ann-Anica Christian

Ann-Anica Christian

Ann-Anica Christian is a seasoned Content Creator with 7+ years of expertise in SaaS, Digital eCommerce, and Cybersecurity. With a Master's in Electronics Science, she has a knack for breaking down complex security concepts into clear, user-friendly insights. Her expertise spans website security, SSL/TLS, Encryption, and IT infrastructure. Her work featured on SSL2Buy’s Wiki and Cybersecurity sections, helps readers navigate the ever-evolving world of online security.

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