on first purchase
valid for all products
Standard Certificate @ $5.99
Wildcard Certificate @ $26.00

SSL Certificates are so Expensive – Myths & Facts #1

Many people do not have sufficient knowledge about the importance of SSL certificates in web security. They believe that the SSL certificates are so expensive and avoid the implementation of SSL for their web security.


Sometimes the cost of sensitive data loss can be higher than the SSL certificate price, so it is more advisable to spend a little amount for your web security. All SSL certificates are not same that their prices are different from each other.

There are different types of SSL certificates available in the industry, which are used for the different purpose. Therefore, You should evaluate your business needs to choose the right certificate product.

Low Price – Domain Validation certificate is ideal for newbies and startup businesses who has a low budget for website security. It just verifies your domain information and generic email address before issue your certificate. (Starts from $5.99/yr.)

Secure Business Identity – Organization Validation certificate verifies your business identity and put trust on your website. You need to submit some business documentation that the Certificate Authority authenticate trustworthiness and the existence of your business. (Starts from $29.00/yr.)

Most Reliable & Highly Secure – EV SSL is one of the most reliable certificate, which enable green color in the address bar of the browser. Certificate Authorities follow extended validation process to verify your business reliability. EV SSL will help to identify a phishing website and safe from online frauds. (Starts from $49.00/yr.)

Sub Domains Security – You can secure your single website and its all sub-domains with a wildcard SSL certificate. It will save multiple certificate management time and cost.  It refers * as a wildcard, then apply certificate for your *.exmaple.com. (Starts from $26.00/yr.)

Secure Multiple Domain Names – Multi Domain SSL is also known as SAN (Subject Alternative Names) and UCC (Unified Communications Certificate). It will secure multiple domain names, sub domains, multi-level sub domains with a single certificate. (Starts from $33.00/yr.)

In the absence of SSL security, website owners will not only lose business reputation as well they will lose the large amount data and customer base.

About the Author
Ann-Anica Christian

Ann-Anica Christian

Ann-Anica Christian is a seasoned Content Creator with 7+ years of expertise in SaaS, Digital eCommerce, and Cybersecurity. With a Master's in Electronics Science, she has a knack for breaking down complex security concepts into clear, user-friendly insights. Her expertise spans website security, SSL/TLS, Encryption, and IT infrastructure. Her work featured on SSL2Buy’s Wiki and Cybersecurity sections, helps readers navigate the ever-evolving world of online security.

Trusted by Millions

SSL2BUY delivers highly trusted security products from globally reputed top 5 Certificate Authorities. The digital certificates available in our store are trusted by millions – eCommerce, Enterprise, Government, Inc. 500, and more.
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