Install an SSL Certificate in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Detailed guide to install intermediate and primary SSL certificate on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Do you have Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file? If not, then let’s see the process to generate CSR file for MS Exchange Server 2010.

Once CSR (certificate signing request) has been generated, you need to purchase UCC SSL Certificate for Exchange Server 2010 and submit created CSR during a configuration process. The certificate authority will review your request and send your certificate via email that will include Primary, Intermediate and Root certificate in a zip folder, just extract it and save at your desired location.

exchange ssl certificates

Now, you should follow below step by step instruction to install SSL certificate on MS exchange server 2010.

Create Certificate Snap-in

  • Click start button, open Run window and type mmc (Microsoft management console), and click OK
  • Click on File from menu bar and choose Add/Remove Snap-in.
  • Now, choose Certificates in Add/Remove Snap-in and hit Add tab.
  • Choose Computer Account and click Next tab.
  • Select Local Computer and click on Finish.
  • Close the Add Standalone Snap-in window.
  • Click OK in the Add/Remove Snap-in Window.

Install Intermediate SSL certificate:

  • On the left panel, Right click on Intermediate Certificate Authorities.
  • Click on All Tasks > Import.
  • From the certificate import window, click Next.
  • Go for Intermediate certificate and click Next tab.
  • Select Place all certificates in the following store and pick Intermediate Certification Authorities from Select Certificate Store window.
  • In the Certificate Import Wizard window, click Next button.
  • Click Finish, Click OK.
  • Close the mmc window.

Install Primary SSL certificate on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

  • Again, download, copy the primary certificate content and paste in a notepad and save it as on the serveras text file.
  • Browse start>>Programs>>Microsoft Exchange 2010>> EMC (Exchange Management Console)
  • On the left pane, click on Microsoft Exchange On-Premises.
  • On the right side, click Manage Databases >>Server configuration.
  • Select the certificate from the center menu and on the right side, under Action menu, click on Complete Pending Request
  • Go for certificate file, select Open and click Complete.
    Note: If you see error “The source data is corrupted or not properly Base64 encoded”, ignore it. Click F5 button to refresh console and verify that the certificate now says False under Self Signed field. If True is still showing, the wrong certificate is selected or installed on the wrong server. To solve it, you need to create a new CSR on this Exchange server and reissue the certificate.
  • To enable SSL certificate, return to EMC and from the Action menu, click on Assign Services to Certificate
  • Now, select the server from the displayed list and click Next
  • Select services for which you wish to enable SSL certificate, click Next
  • Finally, click Assign and click Finish.

Once the installation process is completed, you should use our online SSL certificate tool to confirm your certificate details and avoid mis-configuration warnings.

About the Author

Pratik Jogi

Pratik Jogi is a cybersecurity visionary with an Electronics & Communications Engineering degree. He holds esteemed certifications like Microsoft MCSE and MVP. With over two decades dedicated to defending the digital frontier, his expertise in Server, Network, and Cyber Security reflects a genuine commitment to secure digital landscapes against emerging threats.

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