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Wildcard Certificate @ $26.00

I have content based website, does it still need SSL certificate?


Google recommend including SSL and giving extra weight to secure website. I own just a content website, does it still needs an SSL certificate?


Technically, content website does not require an SSL certificate but here we would like to clear some misconception about Google’s announcement.

There are two major benefits of securing your content websites mentioned below:

Integrity of Data you are serving on your website

Once you secure your website with SSL certificate the man in middle cannot alter the content that is going to receive by end user. Here you can assure your website visitors that the content they are viewing is same as you are publishing. You might have seen unwanted ads while accessing the websites from open Wi-Fi networks. This is one of the examples of the issue, but it can cause much more damage too.

Authentication of Website and its content

Authenticity of the information is crucial part for any online business success. What if you are sharing important information about health, personal finance or any other crucial information? If your website is secured and verified by certificate authority, your customer can easily recognize that the information is genuine and not from someone else.

Apart from these, there are various benefits of securing your content website with HTTPS and this is the reason Google has started giving extra weight to secured website. You can learn more about the benefits and importance of HTTPS for content website in below video.

Need more information about this topic, checkout this discussion at Hacker News.

Free SSL + SSL2BUY Site Seal – Only for content based web site

SSL2BUY brings a combo offer for content based web sites that give you Free Comodo Positive SSL for one year with SSL2BUY Site Seal. Our Free SSL will provide authenticity, domain validation, data integrity and many amazing benefits to you. Additionally, you must place SSL2BUY site seal on your home page, login page or any other web page that need assurance. When customers click on Secured Site Seal, they get assurance about web site security and can get the certificate details.

How to get this offer?

You must contact us on contact@ssl2buy.com, we will check your web site detail and issue SSL certificate within minutes. If you haven’t enough technical knowledge to implementation of SSL, our technical team will help you to certificate installation.

Note: This offer is only valid till January 31, 2015. Visit our OFFER page to check our latest discount offers.
About the Author
Meet Solanki

Meet Solanki

Meet Solanki, an IT maestro with 8+ years of hands-on expertise in the realms of network and server administration. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Meet takes pride in being more than a tech enthusiast - he ensures that the systems run seamlessly and maintain the highest standards of security. His technical acumen is a testament to his commitment to optimizing system performance and ensuring robust security protocols.

Trusted by Millions

SSL2BUY delivers highly trusted security products from globally reputed top 5 Certificate Authorities. The digital certificates available in our store are trusted by millions – eCommerce, Enterprise, Government, Inc. 500, and more.
The Guardian