You should control ROOT access to SSH on the server. WHM/Cpanel does not provide an ssl certificate export tool.
If you do not have ROOT access to hosting server, you can copy all key files from cPanel (private key and SSL certificate key) and add in the local Apache server.
- SSH login to the server using root / administrator level account
- Run the fowling command
# openssl pkcs12 -export -out /backup/yourdomain.pfx -inkey /etc/ssl/private/ yourdomain.key -in /etc/ssl/certs/ yourdomain.crt
This will export SSL pfx file with a password and you can easily import pfxssl files in IIS.
You should ask the SSL certificate provider to let you generate new certificate key for IIS. This would be very easy and safe for non-technical.
At SSL2BUY, we provide free cost reissue facilities for all certificates. Our SSL certificate supports unlimited server licenses. You can create multiple copy of SSL certificates at free cost.