How to Generate CSR and Install SSL Certificate on Microsoft Exchange Server 2019?

Step-by-step guide for generating a CSR and installing an SSL certificate on MS Exchange Server 2019 using Exchange Management Shell.

Exchange Server 2019 brings a unique platform for email, scheduling, custom collaboration tools, and message applications. The primary use of such a server is to help organizations or people to focus on collaboration and communication.

This article will describe the CSR creation and SSL installation process on the MS Exchange Server 2019 using Exchange Management Shell.

exchange ssl certificates

Create CSR from Your Server

Open Exchange Management Shell using the Search box; click on the shortcut in the search result and access it.

Note: You can access Exchange Management Shell by clicking in an empty area of the start screen and typing Exchange Management Shell. Upon seeing its shortcut, you can run it.

You need to log in to the server and access Exchange Management Shell. Now, paste the below command to create the CSR.

Set-Content -path "C:\Certificates\your_domain_com.csr" -value (New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -KeySize 2048 -SubjectName "C=US, S=NY, L=City, O=OrganizationName, OU=IT," -Domainname,, -PrivateKeyExportable $True)

Here, a few abbreviation meanings are as follows.

C= Two-letter country code
S= State where an organization is located
L= City where an organization is located
O= Organization Name
OU= Organization Department
CN= Domain name to be specified in the CSR

You will now have the CSR that should be saved at C:\Certificates\your_domain_com.csr. You can use this CSR for a certificate request from the configuration portal.

Import the Certificate in Server:

Once the SSL certificate is issued, you can import this certificate into the Exchange server.

Log in to the server, access the Exchange Management Shell, and execute the command below to import the certificate process.

Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileName “C:\Location\CertName.cer”

After importing the certificate, it shows the certificate details in a thumbprint. You can now assign services (SMTP, IIS, IMAP, POP) to the certificate as per the below command.

Note: You need to copy this thumbprint while you import the certificate.

Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint “xxxxxxxxxxxxx” -Services SMTP, IIS, IMAP, POP

You can verify the installation of a certificate and certificate request on the exchange server. You can follow the below command to verify the certificate installation.

Get-ExchangeCertificate | where {$_.Status -eq "Valid" -and $_.IsSelfSigned -eq $false} | Format-List FriendlyName,Subject,CertificateDomains,Thumbprint


Cyber threat is evolving around us and if you are using Exchange 2019 server, you need to protect the data passing between the serve and the user. A strong encryption ensures end users about data safety. Above guide will help you to create the CSR and install an SSL certificate on the Exchange 2019 server.

Related Articles:

How to Generate CSR in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016, 2013

How to Install SSL Certificate on Microsoft Exchange Server 2016, 2013

How to Generate CSR on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

How to Install an SSL Certificate in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

About the Author

Pratik Jogi

Pratik Jogi is a cybersecurity visionary with an Electronics & Communications Engineering degree. He holds esteemed certifications like Microsoft MCSE and MVP. With over two decades dedicated to defending the digital frontier, his expertise in Server, Network, and Cyber Security reflects a genuine commitment to secure digital landscapes against emerging threats.

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