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Standard Certificate @ $5.99
Wildcard Certificate @ $26.00

Common cPanel and WHM SSL Installation Errors and Its Solution

We are receiving numerous emails at our support asking for a solution to different cPanel and WHM SSL installation related errors. To make your installation process easier, here we have provided best possible solution to most common installation errors you may face during installation. The following discussion may help you to troubleshoot SSL certificate installation problems in cPanel and WHM.

Error: Private Key does not match certificate


It seems cPanel cannot find private key created for this SSL certificate. Private Key is generated along with CSR Key. You might have deleted this key in error. If you have multiple CSR key and Private Key installed on the same server, cPanel cannot find a correct private key.


You can manually find the original private key generated along with CSR Key and paste it in the private key box. No luck? Don’t worry, we offer free cost SSL re-key facility. Create new CSR key and Private Key. Log in your account and reissue SSL certificate for the new key set.

Error: You must have a dedicated IP to use this feature for the user: USERNAME!

Make sure you have dedicated IP hosting for the domain you install SSL for. Dedicated IP hosting is the primary requirement for most of the SSL installation.

If you have multiple domains hosting on shared IP address and also there are multiple SSL certificates installed, you can try SNI support IP address configuration.

Error: SSL certificate installed, but https:// warnings about a self-signed certificate.


Its likely browsers do not trust or support self-signed SSL certificate. Your server WHM / cPanel set up might be configured with default WHM self-signed SSL. In regular practice, all WHM configuration set up self-signed and set up as shared SSL for all the domains account configured in this SSL.


You should purchase dedicated SSL certificate for the domain name you have to secure with SSL. This dedicated SSL certificate will be issued by trusted certificate authority and contains your domain name in SSL. So the web browser will trust this SSL and don’t show more warning or message.

Error: SSL certificate installed, but I see a warning about a domain mismatch


It’s likely your domain is configured to use self-signed SSL or the SSL certificate you use is issued for the different domain name.


Purchase dedicated SSL for your domain / website and configure in cPanel hosting.

About the Author
Meet Solanki

Meet Solanki

Meet Solanki, an IT maestro with 8+ years of hands-on expertise in the realms of network and server administration. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Meet takes pride in being more than a tech enthusiast - he ensures that the systems run seamlessly and maintain the highest standards of security. His technical acumen is a testament to his commitment to optimizing system performance and ensuring robust security protocols.

Trusted by Millions

SSL2BUY delivers highly trusted security products from globally reputed top 5 Certificate Authorities. The digital certificates available in our store are trusted by millions – eCommerce, Enterprise, Government, Inc. 500, and more.
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