Free SSL Secured Site Seal

Gain Trust Authenticity and Confidence with Free Site Seal

SSL2BUY understand the importance of trust in online business and offers a free secured site seal that removes the obstacle of lacking trustworthiness between your visitors and the website. SSL2BUY provides real time web identity assurance with its secured site seal. Whether the website has opted SSL certificate from any SSL certificate provider, users can check the information of legitimate certificate with just a single click on site seal.

Add trust mark on your website to get customer confidence

The SSL2BUY secured site seal is a trust sign to show your customers that you are using SSL to secure website connections and transactions. Displaying the SSL2BUY secured site seal will boost your website trust on internet and customers. If you have SSL certificate set up on your website, you should add SSL secured site seal also.

How to install SSL2BUY Secured Site Seal?

To make your customers realize about how much you care for their security, you just need to install SSL2BUY secured site seal on your website. You can install SSL Certificate Secure Site Seal by implementing the below JavaScript script into your web site.

AlphaSSL Site Seal:

AlphaSSL Free Site Seal

<!-- Secure Site Seal – DO NOT EDIT --> <span id="ss_img_wrapper_115-55_image_en"><span id="s2b_siteseal" rel="alphassl">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
</span></span><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <!-- Secure Site Seal – DO NOT EDIT -->

RapidSSL Site Seal:

<!-- Secure Site Seal – DO NOT EDIT --><span id="s2b_siteseal" rel="rapidssl"><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </span><!-- Secure Site Seal – DO NOT EDIT -->

Comodo SSL Site Seal:

Comodo SSL Free Site Seal

<!-- Secure Site Seal – DO NOT EDIT --><span id="s2b_siteseal" rel="comodo"><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script></span><!-- Secure Site Seal – DO NOT EDIT -->

GeoTrust SSL Site Seal:

GeoTrust SSL Free Site Seal

<!-- GeoTrust SSL Site Seal. Do not edit. --><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><span id="s2b_siteseal" rel="geotrust"><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script></span><!-- end GeoTrust SSL Site Seal -->

GlobalSign SSL Site Seal:

GlobalSign SSL Free Site Seal

<!--- DO NOT EDIT - GlobalSign SSL Site Seal Code - DO NOT EDIT ---><table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" title="CLICK TO VERIFY: This site uses a GlobalSign SSL Certificate to secure your personal information."><tr><td><span id="ss_img_wrapper_gmogs_image_100-40_en_dblue"><span id="s2b_siteseal" rel="globalsign"><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script></span></span><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script></td></tr></table><!--- DO NOT EDIT - GlobalSign SSL Site Seal Code - DO NOT EDIT --->

When the JavaScript code is implemented, the SSL Certificate Secure Site Seal will be automatically generated and displayed on your web site.

Where to display the Site Seal:

You can display the site seal on your website’s homepage, sign-in page, order page, support page, or any other page where assurance is required. By clicking on secured site seal, consumers can confirm that the website is secured or not and will get information about certificate issuer.

Advantage of Secured Site Seal

SSL2BUY secured site seal available at free of cost to all our customers or anyone. By installing our secured site seal into your website or web page, you will catch substantial trust benefits.

  • Add trust to your website by verifying certificate information.
  • Users can confirm that the website has been identified by Trusted CA.
  • Gain visitors confidence and convert them to consumers.

When users click on the site seal, they will get information about common name of issuer, organization address, key size, issuance date, expiry date.

Note: In case of website is using domain validated certificate, the site seal does not display organization address.

Trusted by Millions

SSL2BUY delivers highly trusted security products from globally reputed top 5 Certificate Authorities. The digital certificates available in our store are trusted by millions – eCommerce, Enterprise, Government, Inc. 500, and more.
The Guardian